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How to kill Nematodes

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Hey Guys can anyone please tell me how to get rid of free swimming nematodes, they are the little white ones. I have never had a problem with them before now, i bought some Anubias plant attached to a piece of driftwood and i think they were on this. Tank is being prepared for CRS so has no livestock in it at the moment just plants, i know everyone says they are harmless but they sure are unsightly in the tank and i need them gone. Will the internal parasite clear kill them? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

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I'm pretty sure internal parasite clear will do the job, but you might need to do a second dose. :encouragement:

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Ill be trying internal parasite clear on my tank that has them now. So I will tell you if there is any effects straight away

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Ill be trying internal parasite clear on my tank that has them now. So I will tell you if there is any effects straight away

If you have shrimp in there I would do half dose...

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I have done my shrimp tanks a few times at full dose before and all were fine. But thank you for the warning CNgo :)

I might play it safe and do less this time

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  • HOF Member

i use full strength Internal parasite clear for my shrimp tanks and have never had any issues

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I always do full dose & they are fine & I know Dean tested a double dose on shrimplets & they were fine too, should be a thread on in somewhere. :beer:

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Thanks for the replies all, was not sure if Internal parasite Clear was only for internal use.

Squiggs does Boss stock this product yet?

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I have done my shrimp tanks a few times at full dose before and all were fine. But thank you for the warning CNgo :)

I might play it safe and do less this time

Why do a full dose when it isn't really required? I have done half doses with great results...

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  • HOF Member

I originally did half doses but found they came back with in a short time. Now I do full dose and haven't had to redo it for over 6 months.

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Not sure if the treatment worked on the nematodes or if they just hid in plants -.-

But cannot find them anywhere

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It's a good start!! :)

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Thanks K9932, I will definitely treat this tank i hate the little Buggers, I have never had them in any tanks before and i have kept fish for over 35yrs. This is a new tank setup so cant blame overfeeding for the explosion. Cant believe how many there are, man i just detest them.

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Thanks for the replies all' date=' was not sure if Internal parasite Clear was only for internal use.

Squiggs does Boss stock this product yet?[/quote']

No I don't but I think AOS has it, I remember he got some more in only a month or so ago, PM me if he doesn't have any cause I have some you can use in an emergency. :D

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Thanks Jay, most generous of you to offer. Will try AOS first and see how we go.aldvshlouqdb

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Thanks Jay' date=' most generous of you to offer. Will try AOS first and see how we go.aldvshlouqdb[/quote']

Hey Jay ordered some last night. Thanks again

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  • 1 month later...

Here is some further information on the treatment of these rotten little S---S.  After buying some Internal Parasite Clear and treating as per label for four treatments, it has only just bought some limited control of nematodes.   So i was researching on some of the overseas forums in relation to using some type of fish for control and eradication, i found using Boraras (chilli rasbora) would be effective.   This made me think, i had never had nematodes before in any of my tanks but i always had either Aust or PNG rainbows  or Psuedomugi Gertrudae in my tanks and never seen a sign of nematodes.   Fortunately i had some Gertrudae in an outside tank so i caught a few and put them in with the pests, after 20min to settle in they were actively devouring the nematodes as soon as one would show itself. It would seem  i may have found my answer to eradicating these pests without the use of any chemical control.  I have kept these fish with RCS before and did not experience any major losses of shrimp but the tank was well planted and with plenty of hidey holes.    I will keep check on proceedings for next few days and let you all know on further results, but so far i am impressed.

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Awesome stuff dude, always good to find a natural way to get rid of any nasties! Now we just need to find one for Gibba, Planaria, Hydra, Claddo & Duck Weed & I'll be happy! Hahaha. :lol:

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Great to have a natural control, awesome find!

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If you guys are anything like me, i just detest the site of those bloody Nematodes.  So will be keeping a close eye :phew: on the progress of my killing machines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is now 10days since the introduction of the spotted blueyes into the nematode infested tank and guess what? not a sign of any nematodes!!!! zero, zilch, whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeee, i can now say for sure these little attack and destroy machines have done a geat job.  If anyone else has these bloody nematodes in their tank i suggest you try some Spotted blueyes as they work a treat. :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu:

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Nicely done! Congrats!

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Yeah Squiggs, this is the tank i was preparing for the CRS. so am hoping its all go from here on.  I have not had much luck with keeping CRS so far, so want to make sure everything is perfect for next attempt. Don't want to lose another lot as it gets very expensive after several attempts.   Will be in contact soon and will get some of your new shrimp food at same time.

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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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