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woohoo first baby CRS!!


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I just witnessed my first baby CRS being born! I was watching the berried mother, and suddenly this tiny orange thing flicked out from under her. Maybe not so exciting for the more experienced shrimp keepers here.. but I'm grinning like mad :)

Here are some quick snaps.. sorry for the poor quality, but I didn't want to use a flash on the newborn. It is about 2-3mm in length.


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Congratulations watfish, extremely exciting at all levels of experience. Well done and emjoy the journey...no major water parameter changes..

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Congrats mate.

Nothing more exciting than seeing a bunch of shrimplets appear. Hope they grow into some nice looking shrimp for you!

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awesome news and great pics, thanks for sharing

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Congrats, and to think that you could capture it with color just moments after they were born when to me its like a spec to the naked eye! Amazing!

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Thanks guys :) There are now two of them! They were born in one of those floating plastic breeder boxes.. hope they can't fit through the slots, or they might become fish food :(

Shots were taken with two extension tubes, and were cropped a bit.. no flash, high ISO, hence not very sharp. The shrimplets are so tiny.. have to look very carefully just to see them with the naked eye.

Do I need to feed them anything special? Or will they just eat normal shrimp food and stuff off plants??

I've had baby cherries before..but I never did anything special with them..they just appear out of nowhere, and eat whatever. The baby CRS seems smaller and more delicate.

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Shots were taken with two extension tubes' date=' and were cropped a bit.. no flash, high ISO, hence not very sharp. The shrimplets are so tiny.. have to look very carefully just to see them with the naked eye.


That's awesome, wish I had that skill and gear! Can't wait to see more photos!

They would eat the micro organisms on moss and also feed on the green algae you have on your glass. If not, you can also feed them powder food like Mosura bio plus, but they should be alright if there is no fish in there :)

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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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