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Saving almost half dead shrimp due to toxic substance with Fulvic acid.


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Above is what I found while researching about the effect of toxic substances to CRS.
The guy in the video decided to carry out an experiment of effect of fulvic acid on half dead shrimp due to toxicity.
He has two healthy CRS in each cup and added very dirty water which soaked cigarettes and other things.
Two shrimps went half dead almost straight away.
He poured dirty water away after some time and added clean water.
Both shrimps are still seemed to be dead.
Then he added a dose of fulvic acid to one of the cup.
The CRS in the cup came back to life and swam around the cup.
However the other CRS which had to bear toxicity without fulvic longer time, seemed to be still dead after fulvic is added.
But at the end of the video it came back to life, not fully but was jumping and tossing around.
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Like most experimentation it is cruel, but also interesting in the eventual findings. Hopefully there was more of a reason for the experiment than just idol curiosity (like most vivisection) and that the findings can be replicated but perhaps not in shrimp that where deliberately made ill.

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That's not an experiment, it's just playing around.

It does not proof anything, unless the result can be replicated many times (as Baccus said)

There is absolutely no evidence that it is the fulvic acid that saves the shrimp. Maybe one was just a stronger individual. Or maybe both of them died the next day.

Who knows?

I think the "experiment" sucks! :mad:

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I have to agree that there isn't any merit to the "experiment", there's no "control subject" to compare the results to or follow up result(as Garny mentioned), but if the results can be replicated & verified properly, there could be something very exciting to come out of it. :encouragement:

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That's not an experiment' date=' it's just playing around.

It does not proof anything, unless the result can be replicated many times (as Baccus said)

There is absolutely no evidence that it is the fulvic acid that saves the shrimp. Maybe one was just a stronger individual. Or maybe both of them died the next day.

Who knows?

I think the "experiment" sucks! :mad:[/quote']

No, I don't think both of them survived at the end neither. It was way too much damage to both of them.

As you mentioned there isn't any evidence that is was fulvic acid that saved them however, what I wish is that if extra tests to find out what actually happened to shrimps can be carried out using modern technologies, then from there it can definitely a merit. It what substances in fulvic acid or any substance that saved the shrimp can be found, it can then be implied on other products and so and so:)

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I have seen this done on fish with Clove oil, it is actually used as a non toxic anaesthetic sometimes in fish, they literally look like they are dead (that is why some some live fish warranties ask you to send a picture of the dead fish with a pin trough the head) back in the day people would put the fish to sleep and take a picture saying it was dead. Once the oil is flushed from the gills they come back like nothing happened.

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I have seen this done on fish with Clove oil' date=' it is actually used as a non toxic anaesthetic sometimes in fish, they literally look like they are dead (that is why some some live fish warranties ask you to send a picture of the dead fish with a pin trough the head) back in the day people would put the fish to sleep and take a picture saying it was dead. Once the oil is flushed from the gills they come back like nothing happened.[/quote']

Best pic I saw was at the marine science centre with the whole class standing around the indoor pond thigo with a few hundred upside down fish after weighing etc.

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I think the fulvic acid helps with osmoregulation which may have helped the shrimp revive quicker once the water is clean. Not sure if they would survive long after though. Would be interesting to find out what exact components have that effect though. Although, you could probably get a decent idea by isolating the different components and working with existing data and not have to use live shrimp.

Unfortunately, at least in Australia there were no ethics regulations regarding invertebrates while I was an undergrad and as far as I know nothing has changed. The experiments we did had to be approved by an ethics committee though so anything above a bivalve was euthanised or put in a coma for anything more than an injection.

I guess that's also why you often see the crays and things at the (food) fish store that are still half alive and trying to escape. I'm not a fan of that though. Seems a bit cruel for an extra days freshness. My dad always taught me that if you are fishing and decide to keep a fish, you kill it immediately instead of making it suffer.

I don't like vivisection much at all though. And don't believe there are many cases anymore where it is necessary. Hopefully, the way technology is advancing will mean it is soon easier to use cultured tissue for nearly all medical testing instead of live animals.

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      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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