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Australia's top breeders


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So I thought I'd start a discussion about who everyone thinks is Australia's top breeders & why. I'll start by putting forward three names, of course BB is leading the way with his unbelievably amazing patterns, quality & innovation, with his dedication to water quality & parameters he is definitely the crazy shrimp scientist & worthy of being labeled one of the top breeders in my books. Then there's Dean the Machine, who I know has stopped breeding shrimp to peruse other projects, but his knowledge & history still makes him one of the best. The last name I'm going to mention(I'm letting you guys go from here) is the good old crazy Asian banana eating gymnast, Gbang's contribution to the quality of new patterns & colours is definitely cause to rate him as one of Australia's top breeders. :victorious:

Ok, so you all get the idea of this thread, you can agree or disagree with my selection, add to it or put forward other names & give them the recognition they deserve. Just remember that this is your own thoughts & options, some people may not agree & that's ok, the one thing I don't want to hear about are any bad or dodgy breeders or experiences, lets leave that to PMing Admin or Mods. :encouragement:

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This is HARD to answer for me. Their is so many things we could use as criteria for the people we nominate. I truly think most of us regulars and even some newbies have shown very very kind harts and generosity to each other and for me personally is what goes a long way in judging someone BUT, we have to admit that some members have some crazy crazy quality shrimp.... Soooo I reckon we all should just give ourselves a good pat on the back and a big thank you to admins and moderators for keeping this forum as cool and relaxed as they have.


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Interesting thread subject. Really comes down to someone's preference I lean heavily towards cherrys but others love crystals and straight away its all in the eye of the beholder. Im definitely not going to disagree with your noms. Look forward to reading further replies.

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Too hard to call imo. Along with the ones listed HeavyD has some of the best quality cherries going around as does Jeff.

Before he sold them all Garry had some of the best crs.

There are also a bunch who are very private and have some stunning shrimp.

There are now too many variations and too many points of focus to make a list that contains less than 20 names I would think.

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Hmm just like others who prefer not to let others know their financial status, i think many prefer not to let others know of their shrimp. There are some weirdos out there who are out to do harm,for what reason I don't know but I have to say jealousy is one factor or they are just right out ****s (just ask Daydream). There are many names I can put on the list but without their consent I don't think I will.

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Would have to agree that Bluebolts gbang and dean would be some of the best breeders around all seem to have a high standard of shrimp from what I have seen.Have had gbang to my place and of the three mentioned gbang is the only one that has been to my place to see my fishroom as I have seen his.There are some breeders I rate high that don't even get on computers and keep much to themself.Have seen some nice shrimp and heard good things of squiggles from someone I have known for many years and would like to put his name in the mix of one of australias best .There are lots of ways to judge who is a good breeder eg Size and quantity of spawns, % of survivors, Colour ,shape and the lines they have developed or enriched.For me its in the quality in which they produce and how they conduct themselves as a whole.Not the numbers in which they produce and sell but the high standard in which they release to others so that only high quality shrimp are made available to reproduce and keep are bloodlines pure and strong.

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+1 agree :)

Would have to agree that Bluebolts gbang and dean would be some of the best breeders around all seem to have a high standard of shrimp from what I have seen.Have had gbang to my place and of the three mentioned gbang is the only one that has been to my place to see my fishroom as I have seen his.There are some breeders I rate high that don't even get on computers and keep much to themself.Have seen some nice shrimp and heard good things of squiggles from someone I have known for many years and would like to put his name in the mix of one of australias best .There are lots of ways to judge who is a good breeder eg Size and quantity of spawns, % of survivors, Colour ,shape and the lines they have developed or enriched.For me its in the quality in which they produce and how they conduct themselves as a whole.Not the numbers in which they produce and sell but the high standard in which they release to others so that only high quality shrimp are made available to reproduce and keep are bloodlines pure and strong.
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    • sdlTBfanUK
      Time for another update! The PH this morning is 6 and KH 0-1 (you can't measure zero obviously). I plan to check everything tomorrow and then a water change on satuday. At the moment the TDS is 190 which should drop to 170 after a water change and then 150ish after the following/next weeks water change. Last time I checked GH it was 6, but again I will do ALL the tests tomorrow. I had to resort to using a PH/KH- product (AQUACID) to get to where these parameters are now but as the water I use has PH6, GH0 and KH0 I assume/hope I won't need to use that from here on, but will see if the parameters stay stable for the next week and have a PH alert disc in the tank which should indicate any significant change. I don't like using these sort of products as a general rule and wouldn't if there were any shrimps in situ and that product has raised the TDS at about .5TDS per drop. I may well order some blue bolts towards the end of next week (the road to the house will be closed for a month from 3rd June so it is next week or wait another 6 weeks) and see how that goes. I plan to drip acclimate them overnight this time so as to not rush that as it shouldn't get cold indoors overnight anyway this time of year. This all depends on the tank parameters staying stable for the next week (aside from the mentioned TDS adjustments with the water changes), though the GH  may drop a tiny bit with using just RO to reduce the TDS but that is fine, and even could be a bonus. I did manage to find some nice floating plant that I had before (good old ebay), and will try and get a photo of that at some point to attach, Azolla red I think it is called? Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for now but all appears to be going well at this point! Snails seem to be doing well at least.   
    • beanbag
      That shrimp itself survived the molt just fine, but left about half dozen eggs still in the shell. I haven't measured KH in a really long time, but assume it is zero since I don't have any rocks besides a few small pieces of lava rock.  Maybe you have unwanted rocks in your tank?  My tank is the "long" style which I really like because I have a HMF on one end, and a pump outlet spout that shoots water all the way to the other end.  I have no idea how many shimp it can support because I don't really understand waste management in a tank.  Shrimp poop eventually turns into mulm, but then what?
    • sdlTBfanUK
      As at time of this post the SL Aqua is available from this UK website, https://gbeeshrimp.co.uk/product/z1/
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Just in case someone may be looking for the SL Aqua it is available from this UK website at time of this post, https://gbeeshrimp.co.uk/product/z1/  
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Thats a great photo, beautiful blue bolt, I hope it survived the molt without dropping the eggs! I think I can just about see some black dots (eyes) on the central egg but can't be 100% sure. I used to (and plan to again) do weekly water change of 10-15% but if you do too large or quick (not drip in new water) that would likely trigger a molt. What KH are they in, my new setup is sitting at (and refusing to budge) KH 3 and PH 7.5 so I may have to settle for neocaridina shrimp this time as opposed to the caridina I want, though not looking/deciding just yet, give the tank a bit more of a run in! Tap water here starts at kH 14, tds 320, when filtered goes to KH 0 and PH 6 but when put in the tank keeps going to KH3 and PH 7.5 despite 3 x 50% water changes???? You may be at 'maximum capacity' with only 20L tank especially if the tank is a cube type rather than shallow type?
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