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just starting with shrimp


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im new to keeping shrimp but not fish Im breeding apistogrammas at the moments so if you wants some just ask.

i have a questions what is the best size aquarium for shrimp.

thank you for your help.

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  • HOF Member

Hi welcome to SKF. The size of the tanks is a personal preference really but it also depends on the type of shrimp you want to breed. The smaller tanks like the 30cm cubes are great especially for selective breeding but they are less stable temperature wise and while the cherries can withstand temperature fluctuations the Crystals and TB's need stable water conditions and even chillers to keep their temp down. Having started out with small tanks I am slowly moving to bigger tanks. 2 footers are reasonable but 2 1/2 to three footers are better . Having said that a lot of our members have small tanks and do well but most end up with bigger tanks and have them divided or end up with breeding racks.Shrimp tend to be a bit more fussy about water parameters than most fish so stability is the main thing to worry about rather than size.

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Welcome Moopoo.

Theres lots of information and tank journals on here that will give you some ideas on different suitable setups.

Some people have planted tanks with shrimp as a feature and others keep shrimp tanks with a little moss, etc.

The absolute main thing to focus on is stable water parameters, so this is where a lot of people, especially myself, prefer larger tanks.

The more you post, the more the forum opens up for you and you can access loads of information.

We love pics here, so if you have some tank shots, or shots of the apistos, you should post them.

Welcome, enjoy and ask lots of questions. We're all here to learn and help others where we can.

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Welcome to the forum, definitely the best place to be to learn about shrimp. We love pics here so whack some of you Apisto's up when you get a chance. The biggest key to keeping shrimp ia stable water parameters & the larger the volume of water the easier it is to keep stable. Hope you have as much fun here as we do! :victorious:


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