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Just starting up a shrimp tank


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Hey guys and girls in shrimp world

Im in the perth area and iv just set up a new shrimp tank and would like to find out whats the do's and the Don'ts. Also what do i need to do to make them happy.

Im also looking at getting plants, so also a bit of advice on where to get some?

Any help would do.

thanks guys

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Welcome to the forum dude, definitely the best place to be for info, help & support. What sort of shrimp do you have? Without knowing what shrimp you have, the only piece of advice I can give you is stable water parameters & very clean water. Also, keep your hands out of the tank, the less you put your hands, or anything for that matter, in the tank & fiddle around with things, the happier & less stressed your shrimp will be. Hope you have ad much fun here as we do! :victorious:


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Definitely decide on the type of shrimps you want to keep, then the rest will quickly fall into place.

My advise is over filtration....5 - 10 times the tanks volume is a good start... Post pics of your tank ?

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Iv got a couple cherry shrimp at the moment but would like to get some crystals. I know i cant have any ammonium, nitrate or nitrite. Bt that pretty much all i know. I just really need a break down on maintenance

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G'day mate, welcome. There is a guy in Langford who advertises on gumtree as plants @ wholesale prices. He has heaps of plants and heaps of help with what to do to look after them.

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Been battling to upload pics. Going to give it another go tomorrow. Where abouts in perth could i get more cherry shrimp? Also i would like to put a fish in the tank aswell bt what is the best type of fish?

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I'm sure there will be someone over there who will help you out in locating some shrimp, otherwise you will have to become a premium member to post in the "Wanted to Buy" section of the classifieds. It will be the best $12.50 you'll ever spend. :victorious:

If you want to breed shrimp seriously then I wouldn't recommend any fish in with your shrimp as, IE, every fish will probably snack on a shrimplet now & then. :dejection:

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If you are not interested in breeding to improve colour etc, you can keep some smaller fish in the tank. If you make sure there are lots of mosses and hiding spots you should get enough breeding turnover to maintain numbers, you need to accept that numbers may go backwards(usually not a big problem with red cherries, but if you are keeping something a bit more costly....)

If you do decide fish, the smaller the mouth the better, neon tetras, chilli rasboras etc.

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Think im gona go fish-less. Haha i would really like a bright colourful tank. What are the perimeters that i need to test? When i do water change, should i use de-mineralised?

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