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  • HOF Member

I have a lovely big sandstone rock with moss growing on it. I thought sandstone was not suitable for shrimp but I poured vinegar over a large open part of the rock and nothing happened. Has anyone had any experience with sandstone? It's too big to put in a bucket and check the ph to see if it changes unless I fill up the laundry sink. The rock has been sitting in the open for about 20 years and Im not sure what type of moss is growing on it but it would look really nice in my tank. I am shutting down my big fish tank and want to setup the tank with all my culls - all types including crystals when I finally get them breeding- just as a nice community shrimp tank.

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You need a bigger bucket or one of those plastic storage containers. Is it

'land moss'?

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  • HOF Member

I will find something to put it in. Yes it is land moss and may not survive submerged but it is a very fine covering so should be a problem. Just thought the vinegar test was pretty safe way of testing but still think sandstone will alter the ph.

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It's been amazing weather, she's probably at the beach :)

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Some sandstone is cemented together by clay and either calcium carbonate or silica.

Calcium Carbonate will dissolve in water raising GH and KH, Silicates will not.

If the rock has been exposed for a long period of time, it is unlikely that it is still held together by carbonates, but i'd definitely be testing.

Generally volcanic rocks are safe whereas non-volcanic sedimentary rocks aren't, although that is a very general rule, it is definitely worth testing to see if the sandstone will work.

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  • HOF Member

I will give it a try even if I have to break a piece off because I am curious now. I will take a piece from the unexposed bottom bit .

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  • HOF Member

No it's been around the back of the house on concrete for years no poisons or sprays have been near it. I've had visitors all morning so haven't done anything with it yet.

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  • HOF Member

No not really its where the clothes line is and the stone was put there to get it out of the way it's just a rock nothing special. Kind a got forgotten. I looked at it the other day and liked the moss but that will probably die. If I leave it in water for a week that will tell me if the moss will live and also if the sandstone will dissolve hubby doesn't like my chances..

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Apparently sandstone could potentially do bad things...

"Sandstone is sometimes bound by a calcium-based mineral, which would affect pH, particularly in lower-pH aquaria. Also, sandstone can have a variety of minerals in it, and because it's water-permeable, these minerals could easily be leached out of the rock."

The various colours are caused by different minerals so it can very a fair bit too.

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  • HOF Member

I will put it in water and see but I don't think I will take any chances , it will be a display tank- if I can get it to look nice no much of a aqua scaper I'm afraid. I would hate to use a big stone then have to take it out and redo it. I also don't think the moss will like being submerged and its the moss that make it nice- without it it's just a rock:(

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  • HOF Member

Have put it in a bucket, TDS 238 ph 7.4 there was no loose sand underneath it and it hasn't been touched for years. So will test it in a few days to see what happens.

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