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So, if I keep CRS and CBS together....


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....in a mixed colonie the shrimplets will can be either CRS or CBS is that right?

It looks like some of the babies that my CRS had are red and some are black (bit hard to tell because they are still tiny)

But if I keep doing that over several generation it will eventually result in "Coca Cola" Shrimp....Correct?

So if I sort my shrimp and their offspring into 2 colonies by colour now , will they then start breeding true or are their genes too mixed up now? :confused:

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Im pretty sure you will end up getting muddy browns throwing in a mixed group. If you separate then cull the lesser colours (pick me, pick me!!) you should get true breeding over time.

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You will get a Coca Cola shrimp but not the one you're thinking of, your shrimplets will eventually be the colour of Coke, as Wraithie said, a muddy brown. If you want to get them breeding true, separate the parents into colours, give away the shrimplets & start again. Sorry to break it to you but those shrimplets are going to take a lot of work to breed true again :(

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*Sigh* It's just not fair that we can't keep different colours together....always results in needing MORE TANKS!

But, I want Candy Canes and not Coke! :congratulatory:

It is so annoying! I do have two new tanks sitting here, but I can't set them up yet because we haven't finished renovating the room they are going in :dejection:

And when I have set them up they need to cycle first....It all just takes TOO long! :sorrow:

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Doh!! Always the way, I had a CRS drop a load of F1 mischlings before my rack finished cycling & now they are mixed with normal CRS & I have no way of telling them apart, they are all culls now! :dejection:

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