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Hello, another newbie to shrimp keeping from Melbourne


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Hi all, my name is James and I currently don't own any shrimp but I will be purchasing some soon. I've just set up my second tank after a year break from my first. I got some inspiration to try my hand again at fish keeping after discovering takashi amano and his great work, and also through watching my friends who still are running their aquariums. Ive decide to do a very planted tank and I've chosen a few crypts, pygmy chain swords, Glossostigma elatinoides and a red malay lotus as some plants that I'm currently establishing in the tank unsubmurged (if that is a really word)I'm going to add some stem plans in the back but I haven't decided what to use yet and I'll wait until I've filled the tank before I buy any. I'm using ada substrates, led tubes in a Aqua one 980T (I'll add some photos of it and my old tank soon). I'm currently experimenting with adiy co2 generator on my friends tank and will more then likely use the same setup for my tank.

I'm looking forward to keeping some shrimp in this planted setup but as I haven't kept them before I've joined these forums for some help whenever I get in trouble. I've kept and breed a variety of fish including tetras, cats and dwarf cichlids. My best mate got me into fish when he gave me a 2.5ft cube. He was working in an aquarium in Melbourne West at the time and helped me set up my tank while running his own 5ft tank and 2 4ft breedin tanks. He has since upgraded to a 6ft custom built monster of a tank (I'll through a pick of this up as well).

That's enough about me, I'm looking forward to joining this community and learning about freshwater shrimp.

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Gday James, you came to the right place. I've only been on here for a couple of days myself and have found nothing but enthusiasm and goodwill from people here. The rest of the forums open up after a few posts so enjoy! :)

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Welcome James. Tank sounds great. Takashi's aquascaping is certainly very inspirational. Looking fwd to some pics of your tank. Enjoy SKF.

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Welcome mate :)

Would love to see pics of your new tank as you progress through, im looking to do something similar soon.

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  • HOF Member

Welcome toSKF heaps to see and learn here. The forum opens up for you as you post the more you post the more you see. You can become a premium member for $12.50 and the forum will open up straight away plus give you access to the classifieds. Hope you enjoy our forum don't forget the pictures and maybe a bit of a journal about submerging your planted tank that would be awesome.

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Welcome to the forum dude, Takashi is definitely "The Dude" when it come to aquascaping, he has done some unbelievably amazing scapes in his time. love to see some pics of your tank when you've got a chance to throw some up. Hope you have as much fun here as we do :victorious:


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Whooohooo another melbournite look out all u syneyites we r growing our shrip army :-) :victorious:

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Got very excited today. I've spotted new growth on myGlossostigma elatinoides in under a week of it

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Welcome to the forum James. Eagerly awaiting photos of your aquascapes.

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    • jayc
      Is he new? Or did you always have greens?
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Very nice shrimp and great photography!
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Thanks, day 2 in the tank and the shrimp seem fine (not done roll call yet today), I saw 9 (got 11) yesterday and no dead bodies  so I 'assume' the other 2 were hiding somewhere. I drip acclimated them over night so they had a longer acclimate and hopefully that helped, but it is early days yet, however so far so good. I am looking forward to getting blue bolts at the end of the week but I doubt they will be as pretty as yours, but at this point I will be happy enough as long as they survive. That will be the lot this time so I am calling this tank 'bruiser tank' as it will only be mixed 'black and blue' shrimps!  I don't have any rocks this time just some small pieces of lava rock. The tests I did yesterday show KH is 0-1 (you can't test for 0 obviously) and PH was 7 on the drop test but the disc meter thing in the tank shows yellow so should be below 7 (the nearest match I think is 6.6) but all the test kits show in stages, and it can be difficult to tell when they are just different shades of the same colour. The seller of the shrimps said his tanks were PH 6.8 so we are at least closely matched. GH should go down slowly with the regular water changes/maintenance etc so hopefully the shrimp can handle it being a little high temporarily, seller had GH 5-6 (I assume 6 drops) and mine is just on 7. I am pleased with the sparser/simpler tank and the fact I can just glance over and see it when I am in my usual seat is great. I have a stick on thermometer so shouldn't have a similar disaster to before and have the heater set cooler at 21 this time, though in summer the tank will go above that most of the time. Hope everything is fine with yours!
    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
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