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Feeding Time


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CRS and CBS have been breeding like rabbits since putting them into the new setup a few months ago.

shrimp feeding vid as of last night...


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Wow. Hated the music! :)

But hell you got some shrimp! Theyre like ants! Congratulations on the success.

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Very nice...I am the type that needs to locate shrimp at all times, I think I would go crazy searching for a certain shrimp (especially a favorite) in a tank like yours with all the plants.

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That is amazing dude, there are soooooo many shrimp, they just keep coming, so jealous :encouragement:


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Mate, I don't need to tell you, but that is one great looking setup. It's got the perfect mix of lush growth and viewing area at the front for you shrimp.

Well done! I look forward to future videos of this tank.



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Sensational tank, well done planted. Love the aquascaping, and the whole serenity it projects...very cool.

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Cheers guys :)

yeah music's not too flash Jon, but it's better than having MKR as the background noise that came out in the vid lol.

will add another track to the vid later when i get the time ;)

recon there would be around 350-400 shrimp in the tank now Neo, but that's a bit of a guess as it's too hard to count them ?

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I think I saw a lone Cbs in amongst the mass of reds. What substrate is that you are using?

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there's actually 13 CBS in there 3 x A's 8 x SS and 2 x SSS ;)

substrate is redsea flora base, shrimps and plants love it, been using it for quite a few years now...

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Oooh.. theres soooo many crs.. love it.!

Btw planted do you ever sell any ? There some nice looking shrimp..

Or do you just keep breeding them for yourself..?

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That's mental dude, sooooo many shrimp & I'm sooooo jealous, greats work dude :encouragement:


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Cheers again guys.

don't really have the time to pack n post atm honcho, happy to just let them do their thing atm...

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Amazing tank planted. When you first put the food in there I thought, oh, so much food!!!!! Then they started to come out, and out! Do they ever stop coming out or are you chucking them in from the back, lol

Thats a tank anyone would be proud own, well done mate!!!!! :()

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have to agree with everyone here, that is a seriously sexy tank and sight to see soooo many shrimp.

BUT i really need to say this!!! the first sound track was almost as good as the vid lol (who was it?)

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recon there would be around 350-400 shrimp in the tank now Neo, but that's a bit of a guess as it's too hard to count them ?

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How often do you feed them? And how much?

I always find it hard to balance between shrimp growth and overfeeding.

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When you first put the food in there I thought, oh, so much food!!!!! Then they started to come out, and out! Do they ever stop coming out or are you chucking them in from the back, lol

lol, if you look at the tank before feeding times you would think there's only a few in there, plenty of hiding spots in the tank :)

sound track was just one you add in youtube Dean, was in the tattoo shop that day getting some work done and they got me in a heavy metal mood lol as it was pumping in there :P

song is by Fringo track is called floppy.

feeding around 2 -3 times a week Heavyd and usually put about 10 shirakura squares in at a time, feeding usually around 4-5hrs before lights go out and food all gone in the morning.

and chuck some shirakura micro mix in, in between feeds once a week or so to make sure the little un's get some food.

and put mineral mix after water changes.

Cheers again for feedback ;)

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Thanks for the response mate. I am trialling self restraint in two of my tanks now. Only feeding every second day. I need to get it into my head that they can happily eat biofilm on the off days.

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that's they way i look a it mate, there always grazing on the plants substrate anyway + if i put any new plants in the tank they go crazy on them for a little while too ;)

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Hi planted, just like to know do you add any ferts to make all your plants green and lush.thanks

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Hey MrShrimp

the only fert iv'e added so far is 1 x seachem root tab under a tri colour lotus i added a few weeks ago lol as they are a heavy root feeding plant.

iv'e found with these very low tech/low light tanks and using the redsea flora base substrate, no ferts are required for at least the first 6 mths or so.

the substrate and maybe shrimp poo too seem to give all the plants all they need

and even after that i don't add many ferts at all depending if i see any major plant deficiencies.

in the other low tech setups iv'e run in the past iv'e only used a few drops of aquagreens dino pee

or a bit of micro mix i have maybe every week or too max.

very minimal ferts added though if i can get away with it...

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