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Take a bow Mickeyg


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  • HOF Member

A big thank you to Mickeyg who pm'd me to ask if I would like some moss. I received his "little" parcel today and was thrilled to bits. A small amount of moss was Flame , Peacock and fissiden, plus a lovely bare rooted anubius, a few pieces of frogbit and some goodies for my two new cubes -max bio balls , growth and breeding sticks. Mickeyg thank you so much . I have tied (not glued this time) all the mosses and anubius, the fissiden was on mesh- I think I got that right. I have included photos but please don't take too much note of my first attempt to do any of this. I don't even know if the moss goes on smooth rock so will change that if need be.post-1019-139909848701_thumb.jpg[ATTACH]2019[/ATTACH]post-24-139909859507_thumb.jpgpost-24-139909859506_thumb.jpgpost-1622-13990985951_thumb.jpgpost-816-139909848705_thumb.jpg

Once again I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the people on this forum :applause::applause:

Thanks again Mickeyg you have made my day:encouragement:

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MickeyG's a good bloke! Good work mate! Keeping SKF this best shrimpin community in in aus! (and probably the world)

Nice moss's ineke. they look great!

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You did a great job tying the moss ineke!!! The vine with the anubius and moss will fill out very nicely giving the girls plenty of resting spots.(mine love to hide where the moss hit the substrate) from now on you will see very bright tips on the pc which indicates new growth so watch that progress and after a couple of weeks the flame will start burning which is also something to watch that's cool.

Glad your stoked ineke as my moss collection first started with a giveaway so I'm more then happy to help someone get a lil stash going.

Sharing the skf love people's lets keep it going

Ps bb you da man offering mishes to help another member out and me with the rillis. Aqua some of your flame is on that tile so thankyou.

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  • HOF Member

Thanks Mick I look forward to seeing it grow. This will be my special tank now and not a piece of java moss to be seen!!!!! I have always loved the look of moss but never had it so it is all new and special to me thanks again

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  • HOF Member

Only problem is I like it so much I keep coming back to it all day! I've got to get out more!!!!!

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  • HOF Member

Yes you just take it easy. Behave yourself and they will let you out soon enough. The trouble with lying in bed is you feel good because you have done nothing but once you get up and about it hits you so take care. Do as the nurse Tells you. So glad it's you and not me nurses make the worst patients!!!

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[mickeyG] - You did a great job tying the moss ineke!!! The vine with the anubius and moss will fill out very nicely giving the girls plenty of resting spots.(mine love to hide where the moss hit the substrate) from now on you will see very bright tips on the pc which indicates new growth so watch that progress and after a couple of weeks the flame will start burning which is also something to watch that's cool.

Glad your stoked ineke as my moss collection first started with a giveaway so I'm more then happy to help someone get a lil stash going.

Sharing the skf love people's lets keep it going

Ps bb you da man offering mishes to help another member out and me with the rillis. Aqua some of your flame is on that tile so thankyou.

Nice! I'm happy to see its making its way around Aquastralia! lol I have passed on a bit of the peacock moss you gave me too :D

Also you mentioned there was a little bit of Pelia in the peacock, turns out it was Ricca! and its growing like mad!

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Haha is that a good or bad thing dude?

If its annoying ya I can send some more up and ill make sure nothing else is in it lol

I Can't even remember the last time I had riccia tbh haha

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    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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