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Good luck mr squig!!!


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good luck mate,

ahh surgery sleep is like the best sleep i've ever had! The pain from best sleep ever's hangover....not so good.

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  • HOF Member

Hey squiggle are you having a knee repair or replacement? Either way even if it's just an arthroscopy you should be up and walking next day possibly with crutches or a stick. Take your pain killers as given and you should be fine. Hubby has had numerous arthroscopies and did well after them the knee replacement was a bit worse but he is very happy with the results. Listen to the Nurse, take pain releivers - don't try and be brave -enough said all the best Retired Registered Nurse Ineke:angel:- it never leaves us!!!

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Wow, thanks everyone for the wishes, I am having a full knee reconstruction, ACL, maniscus, the works. I won't be able to put weight on my knee for three weeks, I am going to go mental not being able to move or tend to my fish & shrimp. I'm a little nervous about the surgery but I always am before going in to hospital, I've had two arthroscopies on the other knee & was fine after so I know I'll be fine, I've gotta stay over night hooked up to the pain buzzer, yeehaa! The pain buzzer rocks! I'm more worried about my CRS at work, I've had to leave one of the guys there in charge of maintaining the tank, I've left pretty much an encyclopedia of instructions, lol :D Anyhoo, I'm babbling now, thanks again guys & girls & you're a cheeky bugger Gbang but thanks, it's made me feel a lot more at ease. I'll keep you guys & girls informed of my progress :D

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  • HOF Member

Hey Squiggle I had a hip replacement and the Dr accidently broke my leg- not allowed to put any weight on the leg at all for 4 months- thats right 4 MONTHS -I used a zimmer frame because crutches were too hard to use and hopped around the house couldn't go out couldn't even make and carry a cup of tea. I took up cake decorating and made flowers- that could keep you busy or perhaps join the plastic straw shrimp brigade make multicoloued shrimp for your tanks-sorry just had to add that

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Yeah, I'm gonna take up cake decorating, lol :D aaahhhhh maybe not, the one thing I'm really dirty about is the fact that my shrimp are in the garage & it's four steps to get down there, DOH! :D

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Tomorrow! I thought you said next wednesday... Good luck mate hope all go's well for you! I have a crap-load of old fish keeping magazines if you want to borrow them! lol

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Super excited about the endlers. Are you sure you will be upto it? dont want to put you out!

My sisters also been after a nice half moon beta for a while if you have any for sale I might be able to talk her into buying one :D

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  • HOF Member

It's amazing how ingenious you become when you have to a few steps may be daunting now but within a few days you will manage. I'm very short and had to get into our 4wd with a 4 inch lift. I soon learnt it was that or never get out the house and we have 3 steps to get outside both back and front. You will do it don't worry everything looks better after the first couple of days and leave the cake decorating to someone else-although those straw shrimp still look good. Good luck Squiggle

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I might be able to spare one of the 300+ I have in the garage & as long as you don't mind me taking a bit of time to get the door, I'll be all good dude :D

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It's amazing how ingenious you become when you have to a few steps may be daunting now but within a few days you will manage. I'm very short and had to get into our 4wd with a 4 inch lift. I soon learnt it was that or never get out the house and we have 3 steps to get outside both back and front. You will do it don't worry everything looks better after the first couple of days and leave the cake decorating to someone else-although those straw shrimp still look good. Good luck Squiggle

Thanks Ineke, I'm sure I'll be all good in no time :D

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as long as you don't mind me taking a bit of time to get the door' date=' I'll be all good dude :D[/quote']

ill bring a camping chair! Hehe

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