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Hi from Melbourne


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Hi there

My name is Aaron. Currently residing in Melbourne.

Have kept shrimp before but just thought I might sign up over here for something a little more consolidated.

Currently have a 2 foot which I am slowly using as a grow out tank for my plants. Lots of light and c02.

Soon enough money permitting iI plan to set up a nice 4 foot planted tank and get a nice communist of shrimp going.

I also have a 25cm cube which I set up for my girlfriend. Currently housing some killies, and wanna get a bit of a clean up crew so I don't have to get my fingers in the bottom of it to clean all the dead leaf matter up.

looking forward to maybe trying some cherries in her tank and maybe try something a little different I. The bigger tank in the mean time. Since the last time I kept shrimp there are so many more different types (well more now than back then)



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so some sad new. My clown killies did the jump. 5 lost now.

The girlfriend was a little upset. Not sure due to what more. Picking them up, or them actually doing the jump.

Need a bit of a rescape so I can use the glass lid.

Hoping to get some cherries and chameleons soon once I get the tank a little less easy to escape.

Thanks very much for all the welcomes, normally these type of threads just get 1-2 replies.

I shall try and get some pictures of a few of my aquatic adventures I have had :)

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As promised, here is a small selection of pictures taken on my adventures.\

My First 2.5foot "high" tank. Was originally housing Axolotls, then when tropical, as it was too difficult on my budget to keep the water cool enough. (Had some big losses over summer, gave up)


I then decided to get a second tank, a standard 2 foot tank.


You can notice a few cherries in the bottom. Colony of about 100 crashed last summer, once again. Think there is a theme with hot tanks.

Here is a picture of the reddest female I had.


I moved house and lost a lot of my planks and fish/shrimp.

I then decided to try my hand on breeding some fish.


Fighting females, just like in real life...


Below of my girlfriends tank I set up for her, for Xmas.

At the moment everything is just settling in, and just sorting out a few lil bugs, like 5 of 5 Clown Killies doing the jump to their death.

Pretty sure a heavy combination of the high temps, and their ability to jump like Olympic high jumpers..

Few of the plants have been moved around, will be repositioning the wood a bit deeper into substrate to enable me to have the lid on.


Here is the latest shot of my tank.


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Tank scaping looks great...Sorry to hear about your loss of Red Cherries...Hopefully no more mishaps for you...best of luck...CJ

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I was more upset about the loss of my nice male double red - I have lost 2 now. Such a pretty fish.

Shrimp are prolific breeders, so not a huge deal (to me anyway)

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Please keep in mind, as much as I have tried to aquascape my tank with some sort of style, over time with removing wood, and getting new plants, it has turned into a bit of a "see what grows, and what doesn't" kinda deal.

The girlfriends cube I am trying a little bit more at an actual style of scaping, with some testing of what works in low light, seeing if I can get away with it.

I really need to take some cuttings and throw it in the big tank to get a better idea.

Thanks again for all the kind words.

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The plants look healthy' date=' Boof. I like your Apistos too, do they get on well with the rams?[/quote']

Thanks, that was my first trio.

I the rams I were holding onto for a friend, but ended up keeping them due to them taking a different route. The Rams now reside in my mums tank.

The female apisto's never laid with the Ram's around. From what I see, they only get defensive once laid.

The big male even got beaten up.

2 females, either side of the tank, him stuck in the middle, in honesty, the tank was too small for the 3, I should of removed a female.

In the big tank, I couldnt see why they cannot work, with lots of places to hide out and lay.

The females now, now that my male died, Im thinking it was the hot days we had over here, the females chill with each other.

I find them great fish, people generally just get the males due to their colours and less aggressive, but the females are awesome looking fish too.

They devour shrimp though..

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