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Bottled bacteria?


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Hi all ,

Currently cycling my new tank but I dont seem to be getting anywhere with it . First time doing a fishless cycle as the soil I'm using is releasing ammonia. 

Currently reading about 3/4ppm this hasn't changed in the 21 days of the cycle . Can see plenty of growth/algae within the tank and small critters running about the glass.

I've ordered an api test kit as I'm not too impressed with my NT labs and too rule out the test kit as well .

Just wondering what bottle bacteria everyone uses ? 

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I've not used any bottled bacteria. I would be interested to know how that goes (and which you use) for you as I have an empty tank which I may  set up at some point, so may want to try the bottled bacteria this/next time? Have you got nitrite or nitrate readings now or prior?

Hopefully the new test kit and bottled bacteria won't take long to arrive! Did you run-in the substrate as per the packaging, sometimes it says you need to do big water changes at certain intervals etc due to ammonia spiking/build up etc?

It's good you are seeing algae growth etc so you are part way there. Once you see the completed 'cycle' you should be ok to start adding shrimps if you already have algae etc, but I would just add 2 or 3 shrimp as a tester, and see how they do for a week or two! At least, using your own shrimp, you know they will be healthy shrimp going into the tank!

Did you use filter media or anything else from your other tank that would have had bacteria on it?

Edited by sdlTBfanUK
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The best method is to get the gunk from an existing filter media and pour it into the new tank you are intending on cycling. Instant seeding of beneficial bacteria. 

If you don't have access to a mature filter media, than have a read of this post here ...


I offer additional tips at the end of this post that will provide the best conditions for beneficial bacteria growth.

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On 10/22/2023 at 9:08 AM, sdlTBfanUK said:

I've not used any bottled bacteria. I would be interested to know how that goes (and which you use) for you as I have an empty tank which I may  set up at some point, so may want to try the bottled bacteria this/next time? Have you got nitrite or nitrate readings now or prior?

Hopefully the new test kit and bottled bacteria won't take long to arrive! Did you run-in the substrate as per the packaging, sometimes it says you need to do big water changes at certain intervals etc due to ammonia spiking/build up etc?

It's good you are seeing algae growth etc so you are part way there. Once you see the completed 'cycle' you should be ok to start adding shrimps if you already have algae etc, but I would just add 2 or 3 shrimp as a tester, and see how they do for a week or two! At least, using your own shrimp, you know they will be healthy shrimp going into the tank!

Did you use filter media or anything else from your other tank that would have had bacteria on it?

Currently 23 days and i've only got ammonia and nitrates. No nitrites as of yet. I can't find anything on the packing to help with cycling this media , doesn't seem to be any instructions.

Starting using the filter booster but i have taken a seeded sponge filter from one of my fish tanks to hopefully help cycle and push things along . Just hope in the next couple of days i see some nitrites.

I didn't using anything from a previous tank before today. I've just recently add a sponge filter that's been in a fish tank for over 6 months. 

33 minutes ago, jayc said:

The best method is to get the gunk from an existing filter media and pour it into the new tank you are intending on cycling. Instant seeding of beneficial bacteria. 

If you don't have access to a mature filter media, than have a read of this post here ...


I offer additional tips at the end of this post that will provide the best conditions for beneficial bacteria growth.

Thank you, I've put in another sponge filter from a fish tank that's been established for over a year . I'm hoping this should do the trick and i should start seeing some nitrites coming through. Just to get some more bacteria in there as well i also just squeezed another filter into the tank to help.

Edited by herrwibi
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14 hours ago, herrwibi said:

Just to get some more bacteria in there as well i also just squeezed another filter into the tank to help.

That should help significantly.

Don't be too worried if you don't detect Nitrites. If you have some beneficial bacteria now, Nitrites could be turned into Nitrates faster than test kits can pick up.

As long as you see Ammonia reducing and Nitrates increasing, you are on the right track.

What temp have you set the water to?



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1 hour ago, jayc said:

That should help significantly.

Don't be too worried if you don't detect Nitrites. If you have some beneficial bacteria now, Nitrites could be turned into Nitrates faster than test kits can pick up.

As long as you see Ammonia reducing and Nitrates increasing, you are on the right track.

What temp have you set the water to?



Ammonia hasn't really decreased since the start. Always showing above 4ppm but i do have some nitrates showing around 5/10ppm. I'm going to leave it till the end of the month and i think if i dont see a decrease in ammonia i'll do a large water change ?

Temp is around 23-24.

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23 minutes ago, sdlTBfanUK said:

Have you got the new ammonia test kit yet?


APi  master test kit arrived and showing pretty much the same. Ammonia 4ppm+ / 0 nitrites /  5/10 nitrates

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22 hours ago, herrwibi said:

Temp is around 23-24.

You need to increase temps to 26. 

A 50% water change now is a good idea to reduce the ammonia. Then your test kits might be more effective in measuring the changes. Ammonia level are likely to be higher than the test kits can measure right now. So reducing it with a water change will allow you to measure the changes.

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10 hours ago, jayc said:

You need to increase temps to 26. 

A 50% water change now is a good idea to reduce the ammonia. Then your test kits might be more effective in measuring the changes. Ammonia level are likely to be higher than the test kits can measure right now. So reducing it with a water change will allow you to measure the changes.

 Temp has been increased.

Not long done a 80% water change, hopefully it dilutes the ammonia . Changed it with tap water and used dechlor since i'm only cycling. Saves using RO water and Gh+, also added filter booster and a multi powder which should help. Will do a full test tomorrow and see.

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Sounds like you have made the necessary changes. Just give it time now.

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23 hours ago, jayc said:

@herrwibi, any update on your tank?

Tank is going well. 85-90% water change done last week and ammonia drop within range 1-2 PPM. After testing a few days later this has dropped to 0.5-1ppm. Nitrates are rising nicely as well around 20ppm. Going to leave the tank another week and do a further 80-90% water change and leave for another few weeks. I'm away on holiday for 2 weeks so I'm not rushing it. 

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Perfect. That's exactly what I expected.

Don't leave the tank empty for 2 weeks though. Once the ammonia is gone, the beneficial bacteria need more food source to survive. So that means, once ammonia is reading zero, you add fish or shrimp, or a bit of food to breakdown.

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If you can get some leaves and put those into the tank, dried brown leaves, not from anywhere they may have polutants on them! Oak leaves, mulberry leaves etc or buy some Indian Almond leaves, they break down slowly and stuff grows on them that the shrimp will eat! Put the leaves in as soon as you can so stuff/food can grow ready for when you are away!

I have read  (not tried) that this food, called snowflake, made from soyabean husks, are great as holiday food (both your tanks) as it doesn't polute the water and gradually breaks down, like all food though try not to use too much.


Usually from proshrimp (above link) there is no P&P for 1 item? They usually sell some leaves as well.

Just add a few poorer quality shrimps from your other tank to test and keep everything ticking over whilst you are away. You can add a few snails as well if you want/like them.

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6 hours ago, jayc said:

Perfect. That's exactly what I expected.

Don't leave the tank empty for 2 weeks though. Once the ammonia is gone, the beneficial bacteria need more food source to survive. So that means, once ammonia is reading zero, you add fish or shrimp, or a bit of food to breakdown.

Sorry should of made myself clear , I do plan on adding some shrimp from my other tank if the ammonia is reading 0 . This will give me an idea if the tank is running OK. 


8 minutes ago, sdlTBfanUK said:

If you can get some leaves and put those into the tank, dried brown leaves, not from anywhere they may have polutants on them! Oak leaves, mulberry leaves etc or buy some Indian Almond leaves, they break down slowly and stuff grows on them that the shrimp will eat! Put the leaves in as soon as you can so stuff/food can grow ready for when you are away!

I have read  (not tried) that this food, called snowflake, made from soyabean husks, are great as holiday food (both your tanks) as it doesn't polute the water and gradually breaks down, like all food though try not to use too much.


Usually from proshrimp (above link) there is no P&P for 1 item? They usually sell some leaves as well.

Just add a few poorer quality shrimps from your other tank to test and keep everything ticking over whilst you are away. You can add a few snails as well if you want/like them.

When the tank first started i added some Indian almond leaves and some cholla wood. They seem to have plenty of growth on them .

I've already got some snowflake food. I have a medicine box I make so that my family and friends can go in and feed them once or twice a week. 

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Looks like the tank has cycled . Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0 with nitrates being at 20.

Plan on doing another water change to bring this down and leaving it to stabilise for a few days and then add some shrimp from my other tank to make sure everything is OK before purchasing some black galaxy fishbone. 

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I hope all is still going well and assume you will be adding the shrimp about now?

The new tank will have enough food for a few shrimps for a few weeks but you may want to add a small bit of snowflake for when you are away. It maybe best if you leave instructions to not feed the new tank (very easy to overfeed with only a few shrimps, plus they may not touch the food if there is plenty of yummy biofilm anyway) while you are away as there should be enough in the tank and if someone overfeeds then that could kill the shrimp and/or cause ammonia spike.

If you add a small bit of snowflake before your holiday that won't polute the water, but breaks down slowly.

Hope you have a great holiday!

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6 hours ago, sdlTBfanUK said:

I hope all is still going well and assume you will be adding the shrimp about now?

The new tank will have enough food for a few shrimps for a few weeks but you may want to add a small bit of snowflake for when you are away. It maybe best if you leave instructions to not feed the new tank (very easy to overfeed with only a few shrimps, plus they may not touch the food if there is plenty of yummy biofilm anyway) while you are away as there should be enough in the tank and if someone overfeeds then that could kill the shrimp and/or cause ammonia spike.

If you add a small bit of snowflake before your holiday that won't polute the water, but breaks down slowly.

Hope you have a great holiday!

12 shrimp were added yesterday of different ages. Taiwans/CRS/ mischlings.

I don't plan on feeding until i go away and even then as you said it will just be a small piece of snowflake food as there will still be plenty of food in the tank. Will continue to dose a multipower with helps with water parameters and encourages growth of algae.  I tend to leave instructions as my friend feeds my chameleon as well while i'm away.

I appreciate all your help and support. Hopefully if all goes well come the first week in December i should be able to get some black galaxy fishbone and add them to the tank. Will keep you updated and will provide photos. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, herrwibi said:

all 12 shrimp that were introduced into the tank and survived

Great to hear. That's because you cycled your tank properly beforehand.

Love those Galaxy and Boas.

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Fabulous news and the video link worked so we got to see the new shrimp, they are beautiful and look very healthy/active! Is that a blue bolt in there I see. Did you get them from a store or a hobbyist/breeder?

Hopefully you won't have any problems but do not panic if one or two die in the first 14 days or so as it is stressful for them, you may be lucky and they all survive but the first 2-4 weeks can sometimes be a problem for any not 100% healthy ones etc.

Hope you enjoed your trip/holiday and pleased to hear the shrimps you already had were ok whilst you were away!












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They were brought from a local breeder who also sells products that I buy . I'm struggling to tell the difference between some of them. I'm wondering if it's just the low grade fishbone . There is differently 1/2 boa pattern in there . Everything seems tp be going well.

Is this a fishbone with a low grade metallic ? https://postimg.cc/D82cBZzQ


This looks like a low grade boa?https://postimg.cc/xJFVTGvm

Thanks again for your help. Suspect my old tank might of had a bacteria infection in the water.  

Edited by herrwibi
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    • sdlTBfanUK
      I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      All done now, I drip acclimated 11 blue bolts and 6 blue steel overnight and they are now in the tank so now is just wait and see if this works. 28 shrimps have now been put in and I have yet to SEE a dead one so fingers crossed! A couple of pictures of some below; I don't plan on buying any more shrimp so plan this to be a blue shrimp tank, though if it doesn't work out I have seen some female bettas I would like, but hopefully the shrimps will work out. The water parameters are still the same as before, so a bit off! I need to sort out what foods and shrimp stuff I have in the drawers and cupboard tomorrow as it's been a while, hopefully I find a shrimp lolly so I can give them one/part of those tomorrow, and it may bring as many of the shrimps out as possible.  Fingers crossed everyone...........  
    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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