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First up, I'd like to thank those who were supportive of myself when I was last on this forum, it was much appreciated.

OK, now, I have decided to set up the Mr Aqua 12g again, not going to head down the native fish/plant road though, wanting to keep things rather simple, yet appealing as a display piece.

Am looking into just having a tank with 3 or 4 pieces of Malaysian Driftwood with Anubias nana attached to it, perhaps some small pieces of aquatic moss here and there, that's it.

I'm thinking 1 single fish, perhaps a Male Fighter Fish/Betta, but would also like to have an additional number of shrimp, more than likely Red Cherry Shrimp.

A few questions.

I have a large bucket of black aquarium gravel that I had used before, should I just give it a good clean and use that, or should I purchase a couple bags of Fluval Shrimp Stratum?

Would RCS be OK to keep along with a single Male Fighter? I know the rule of if it's small enough to fit into the mouth... but do others have success with Betta and Shrimp?

I am mainly thinking Anubias nana, perhaps a couple different other Anubias, small though, or in the young stages of growth, also thinking Amazon Frogbit to help with Nitrites/Nitrates, would a few pieces of Anubias be appealing to the eye, or should I add something more?

Lighting, I'll need lighting, the tank is 3ft/90cm, not looking to spend over $100 on a light, any suggestions, I'm thinking it wouldn't need to be too strong as it won't really be needed for plant growth, Anubias I feel wouldn't handle a strong growth light too well resulting in algae.

Ummm, what else? 

Still have the Eheim 2213 and original media, with the Betta and Shrimp should temp be around 22c? 

That's all for now, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Welcome back gc good to have you onboard:-)

Bettas will savage any shrimp in no time so I wouldn't go there personally ..

If you're keeping cherries then gravel is the way to go.

I can't recommend any lighting myself someone else will have to advise you there.

24C - 26C is best for breeding cherries in my opinion but they're happy with temps quite a bit lower than that.

[emoji111] [emoji173]

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How you been Revo? What are you keeping these days?

Yeah sussed out a 90cm BioPro LED earlier, $71, so decently priced and pretty much what I'm looking for, think I'll go down that path.

Yeah just deciding between the black gravel or Fluval Stratum, obviously the pros of the Stratum is water parameters, but at the same time I probably won't be planting anything stem so might not really need it either, seeing I'm mainly looking at Anubias and Frogbit.

Hmmm, might have to either go with the Shrimp or do a trial and error with the Shrimp and a single Betta.

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Looks like a change in plans, now that I have made an interest in getting the old tank up and running the old duck now wants it set up for herself again so she can put some fish in... so I'm now back to square one and thinking Shrimp only tank, would ideally look into a Fluval Edge or one of those Fluval EBI Shrimp set ups.

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  • HOF Member
18 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

A couple things have changed around here, how long has the new logo been up? Looks good.

A week I think, not long at all

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How you been Revo? What are you keeping these days?
Yeah sussed out a 90cm BioPro LED earlier, $71, so decently priced and pretty much what I'm looking for, think I'll go down that path.
Yeah just deciding between the black gravel or Fluval Stratum, obviously the pros of the Stratum is water parameters, but at the same time I probably won't be planting anything stem so might not really need it either, seeing I'm mainly looking at Anubias and Frogbit.
Hmmm, might have to either go with the Shrimp or do a trial and error with the Shrimp and a single Betta.

HI mate,

All ok here by and large! Of course the hobby always has its ups and downs but my shrimp are alright at the moment. I'm just keeping some cherry shrimps and a colony of mostly S grade CRS that I started a year or so ago. Interested to see what you end up doing.

[emoji111] [emoji173]
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I think most people are interested to see what I end up doing and see if I crack it and throw it in again, ha.

Yeah change of plans with the tank, will have to look into one of those Nano all in one set ups I think and just go with some Shrimp seeing the old duck has taken my tank back, ha.

Like the look of the Fluval nano tanks, just not keen on the internal filters though, back to the drawing board.

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Try the aquaone aquanano series. I like the 40 but thereis a 50 and maybe a 60 now. Good tanks with a rear sump system.
A sponge over the intake and it is shrimp safe.

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

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26 minutes ago, daimen said:

Try the aquaone aquanano series. I like the 40 but thereis a 50 and maybe a 60 now. Good tanks with a rear sump system.
A sponge over the intake and it is shrimp safe.

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

Aquanano series look ideal actually, might have a look locally tomorrow or flick outta town for the day near by and see what I can find, cheers.

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I got mine from petbarn. They are good tanks except the light might need upgrading for anything other then java moss.

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

Oh yeah and get rid of the filter cartridges and use something else. You would figure that out on your own but just saving you the time.

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

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Never any issues. I have had it for about 4 years now and never had issues. Thats why im recomending it. I also like the animates panoramic 29L. That doesnt come with a heater though.

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12 hours ago, daimen said:

Try the aquaone aquanano series.

+1 for the AquaOne Aquanano. They look like a very good system. And so easy to make it shrimp safe.

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2 hours ago, daimen said:

Never any issues. I have had it for about 4 years now and never had issues. Thats why im recomending it. I also like the animates panoramic 29L. That doesnt come with a heater though.

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

Excellent, cheers, saw a Animates Pano when I was looking around online actually, thanks.

1 hour ago, jayc said:

+1 for the AquaOne Aquanano. They look like a very good system. And so easy to make it shrimp safe.

JayC, how you been? What you keeping these days?

The AquaOne AquaNano looks ideal, just a matter of finding one though, had a quick look online with no luck, was going to flick outta town today but it's pissing down at the moment so won't worry about it.

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35 minutes ago, GotCrabs said:

JayC, how you been? What you keeping these days?

Good thank you. Busy at work, so the shrimp and fish have been a bit neglected. Only doing the minimum there.

Still have the usual shrimps RCS, Choc/Black, CRS. And I have been breeding Killis lately. I have a couple of photos of the Killis in the Killifish section of the forum.

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1 hour ago, GotCrabs said:

How long have you been a mod on here?

Not long. Don't remember exactly when the title changed. 

I was a member liason previously, whose role was to help make members and sponsors feel at home on SKF.

Edited by jayc
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Does anyone have a Aqua One Aquanano system or Fluval EBI Shrimp system? If so, thoughts on them? I'm leaning towards the Aqua One Aquanano 40.

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41 minutes ago, daimen said:

You know mine lol

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

Yup, I just like to get more than one view on some things, had a similar system overflow on me awhile back.

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OK, so while I'm looking for the right tank to get, I have a couple questions.

First, should I look at getting some mineral balls? I'm thinking the ones from Boss Aquaria.

Should I look into some mineral powder? Again, from Boss Aquaria.

I'm looking at Kale Tablets, Shrimp Crack, Alder Cones, again from Boss Aquaria, anything else I can consider? Besides the Shrimp Snow, wasn't a fan of it, found it to be quite messy in the past.

Should I look at Baby Powder?

I plan on keeping Red Cherries, Crystal Reds, maybe some natives perhaps.

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15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

some mineral balls?

Not a critical item. Totally your choice. But if you are short on funds, this can be on the lower priority list.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

Should I look into some mineral powder?

yes, get some now. I place it under the substrate when starting a new tank.

And I use a bit (half recommended dose) at every 2nd water change.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

I'm looking at Kale Tablets, Shrimp Crack

Sure, why not. The shrimp will need to eat something, right.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

Alder Cones

What shrimp are you keeping again?

I wouldn't bother unless you are trying to get pH really low and/or you like that tannin look.

Since you want to keep Cherries and CRS (in the same tank?), then you don't want the pH too low on account of the Cherries.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

Shrimp Snow

Messy yes, but great for holiday food. If you are going away, just drop a few in and the shrimp can graze on it while you are away.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

Should I look at Baby Powder?

If you are expecting shrimplets, then get it now with the other items to save on shipping costs.


15 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

anything else I can consider?

  • Are you cycling a new tank?

Get a good substrate (ADA, Cal Aqua Labs - and cycle it properly).

  • If you are cycling a tank and need to buy bacteria, get a good one - which actually has beneficial bacteria in it. I won't go into which one to get, everyone has their own opinion of what works.
  • Get a pH and TDS pen - must have tools.
  • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and GH test kits as a minimum.
  • Chiller - unless you are in Tassie and keep the tank in the basement where temps are no higher than 24degC, you will need one ... Summer is just around the corner. If you have a small tank, then an expensive chiller is probably overkill, so at least think of some for of cooling, like an aquarium fan.


14 hours ago, GotCrabs said:

how good are sponge filters, also are they noisey?

On their own, they make no noise. ?

But pair them up with an air pump, and the sound of bubbles, can make a tank noisy compared to a canister filter.

Sponge filters are great for a small tank with low populations.

But it won't beat a canister for filtration capabilities. Especially if you use good filtration media in the canister. If you have a small tank, then a small Eden canister filter will be perfect. Pack it with some Cermedia Marine Pure spheres for bio filtration and you'll be set for whatever you put in the tank.

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