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SKF welcomes Unagi42 to our community


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Hello Unagi42,

Welcome to Shrimp Keepers Forum.

Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


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Welcome to SKF where are you from

Hey Ron, I'm from Melbourne, where are you based?

I've kept a few different kinds of fish including tropical, natives, yabbies, cichlids, oscars, freshwater eels and now shrimp. 

I haven't kept a tank for over 8 years and got inspired by smaller setups. Shrimp weren't available here, pumps are smaller and quieter and LED's are far superior. 

Here is a shot of my current tiny 23 litre and some of its occupants. I have two berry females and am very excited but aware that they might not bee live young as it their first time.





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Yeah you say that now about nano tanks but im pretty sure thats what we all said then the bug bites bad and you'll end up with a rack lol. Your tank looks cool. She looks like shes holding onto them pretty well. I hope she goes full term for ya

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20 hours ago, Ronskitz said:

Yeah you say that now about nano tanks but im pretty sure thats what we all said then the bug bites bad and you'll end up with a rack lol. Your tank looks cool. She looks like shes holding onto them pretty well. I hope she goes full term for ya

Hahaha! I'm a little way off a rack.

Maybe just one more tank.....

thanks for the compliment, I have a long way to go with planted tanks, especially coming from large fish and cichlids.

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On 2 November 2015 at 8:18:02 PM, NoGi said:

Love those fish. What is that pattern called?

Thanks @noGi They are called Leopard Endlers and a kind of guppy. They are quite active and unagressive towards shrimp as well as add a lot of colour to the tank. Apparently they are also easy to breed but I wouldn't know having only 5 males.;)

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20 hours ago, Ronskitz said: Yeah you say that now about nano tanks but im pretty sure thats what we all said then the bug bites bad and you'll end up with a rack lol. Your tank looks cool. She looks like shes holding onto them pretty well. I hope she goes full term for ya

Hahaha! I'm a little way off a rack.

Maybe just one more tank.....

thanks for the compliment, I have a long way to go with planted tanks, especially coming from large fish and cichlids.

This hobby is infectious lol as many others here will tell you. I used to have the black bar endlers but crikey they looked nothing like these beauties you need to get yourself a female or 2

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So one of my females had success! They were both berried up yesterday so it must have happened overnight.


Note to other: I was illuminating them individually with a torch this evening and found an exposed loner - only to have him picked off by a quick rasbora. :( I won't do that again.

I suspect when they are this new they are a tasty treat for most fish. I'm just super glad that I have two thick slabs of Java moss for the rest to hide in until they get to a less entree size. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So my Juvenile Cherries are coming along nicely and the largest few are venturing out into the open and facing off the fish.


I have unfortunately lost two of my mature Cherries and have no idea why.

I did a water change day before I lost my berried female (but she wasn't berried when I did the change and we have discussed this in another thread).

I am wondering what is the biggest killer in small tanks? I change the water weekly and it's pretty easy as the tank is only 23 litres.

I was just wondering what is my biggest risk is in water conditions and what I should be looking out for that may be killing adults?

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