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Yellow Kingkong


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I bought a yellow kingkong shrimp a while ago. It's supposed to be Caridina shrimp, but then I don't see many of them, however neocaridina shrimp (neon yellow) shrimp is plenty in the market. I got it breed with water parameter for Caridina shrimp, so I believe it is caridina. But I am not sure, I don't want to sell my shrimps and turn out it is neocaridina.

Anyone know the differences between those two?


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17 hours ago, kopilatte said:

yellow kingkong shrimp

The "kingkong" in it's name might suggest a taiwan bee, which are Caridina.

But I have never seen a yellow king kong. 

If you have a picture that might help. Try taking a very close macro shot of it's head.


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I had a few YKK in with my taitibees/tangtais before my no planaria disaster.  Here's a picture of them.  Don't mind the lone blue cherry there.  I know some shrimp keepers have had them come from tangerine tigers.  I don't know what the lineage of mine where but they are caridina.  I have a lone female left in my main tank now but she is very shy and doesn't come out in the open often.  Definitely not a cherry as she has been berried a couple times now in the mixed caridina tank.


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YKK's are believed to be some sort of TT mix and do randomly pop up every now and then in mixed tanks. No one is sure what their exact lineage is. YKK's will have *LONG* antennae that is the length of their body or longer. If you have a macro lens, the ridge on the top of their head/rostrum also seems more pronounced than in Neos. (at least, it did for me - maybe not true with other shrimp?)

Neocaridinas on the other hand seem to have shorter antennae.

One sure way to know is that YKK's will never get the "white" racing stripe down the back. Yellow neos, depending on the line, may get it.

Here's part of the group that I purchased (and lost) last year. Two of them had "white heads". Some YKK colonies also throw YKK's with weird/odd white markings on them where-as others are completely clear of any abnormal markings.




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Nice to see @Zoidburg back with a vengeance. Damn! getting your post count up!


@kopilatte, if you can get a similar photo of it's head like the above, we can confirm what you have.

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