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Found 5 results

  1. Cryptocorynus

    Easily Grow Moss Emersed

    I've recently got into mosses after receiving small portions of about 14 varieties from a friend as a bonus from a purchase. When they arrived I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them as before this I had only ever grown the basics (eg. Java Moss, Peacock Moss, Flame Moss, etc.) and all of a sudden I have rare mosses like F. splachnobryoides and F. zippelianus just sitting in clip-seal bags on my dining room table. Suffice to say I had a little problem as my tanks were full to the brim with other stuff, and as a stickler for quarantine I wasn't going to have them sharing the same tank. A lot of the mosses also needed high light, low temperatures and CO2. So I began thinking... and thinking... and thinking. And eventually I came up with an ingenious idea to give them high light, easy access to CO2, low temperatures and all the other things they needed, all while keeping them separate from one-another. I decided on growing them emerse (as I have had luck with Echinodorus and Cryptocorynes that way in the past). However, I wasn't too keen on using the soil mixes I had used before as they always absorbed too much water and ended up covering the medium in algae, so knowing this I decided on perlite instead and I would be mindful to keep the liquid level a lot lower than the top of the perlite to avoid algae potentially covering the mosses. Be mindful your perlite cannot fall out of the pot, however, as the pot I used had large holes on the bottom of it (I used filter wool to plug them). For extra growing help I decided to switch out water (which I had used when growing plants emerse in the past) for BioJuice (a seaweed mix for hydroponic use which promotes vegetative growth, not flowering or root growth like most) to use as the liquid, and for each pot which a moss to be contained inside a bag for humidity which I then put onto my verandah in a place where it would not be too hot, but would also get a decent amount of sunlight with the moss laid out on top of the perlite. This'll be a work in progress. It's not too clear now but I'll work on that later today and into the future. Better photos will come, don't worry! The location of the bags on my verandah. A close view of the set-up (excuse the fog). This one is already growing after about a week.
  2. Cryptocorynus

    Easily Grow Moss Emersed

    I've recently got into mosses after receiving small portions of about 14 varieties from a friend as a bonus from a purchase. When they arrived I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them as before this I had only ever grown the basics (eg. Java Moss, Peacock Moss, Flame Moss, etc.) and all of a sudden I have rare mosses like F. splachnobryoides and F. zippelianus just sitting in clip-seal bags on my dining room table. Suffice to say I had a little problem as my tanks were full to the brim with other stuff, and as a stickler for quarantine I wasn't going to have them sharing the same tank. A lot of the mosses also needed high light, low temperatures and CO2. So I began thinking... and thinking... and thinking. And eventually I came up with an ingenious idea to give them high light, easy access to CO2, low temperatures and all the other things they needed, all while keeping them separate from one-another. I decided on growing them emerse (as I have had luck with Echinodorus and Cryptocorynes that way in the past). However, I wasn't too keen on using the soil mixes I had used before as they always absorbed too much water and ended up covering the medium in algae, so knowing this I decided on perlite instead and I would be mindful to keep the liquid level a lot lower than the top of the perlite to avoid algae potentially covering the mosses. Be mindful your perlite cannot fall out of the pot, however, as the pot I used had large holes on the bottom of it (I used filter wool to plug them). For extra growing help I decided to switch out water (which I had used when growing plants emerse in the past) for BioJuice (a seaweed mix for hydroponic use which promotes vegetative growth, not flowering or root growth like most) to use as the liquid, and for each pot which a moss to be contained inside a bag for humidity which I then put onto my verandah in a place where it would not be too hot, but would also get a decent amount of sunlight with the moss laid out on top of the perlite. This'll be a work in progress. It's not too clear now but I'll work on that later today and into the future. Better photos will come, don't worry! The location of the bags on my verandah. A close view of the set-up (excuse the fog). This one is already growing after about a week. View full article
  3. OK, so today I started my emersed aquatic plant set up. I'm using a large storage container tub with lid, take away food containers, Fluval Shrimp Stratum. Plants are Alternanthera reineckii 'mini', Glossostigma Elatinoides, Weeping Moss, Subwassertang Moss, Acorus gramineus (sold to me as Blyxa Japonica) and have Hemianthus callitrichoides coming thanks to Neo-2FX, cheers mate. I'm not too fussed if I lose the Weeping Moss, Subwassertang and Acorus, but would really love to get the AR 'mini', Glosso and HC going though. Tub has been covered with cling wrap and then placed over with the tub lid. Anyway, here is a pic, tub will be misted each day.
  4. So, I had to cancel plans to create an outdoors emersed aquatic plant set up in the back yard but I still have hope to do this in the near future, so thought I'd ask some questions, get some feedback and learn something a long the way. I was going to use a large clear storage container with lid to place the substrate and plants in, substrate was going to be Eco Complete, I was going to mist once or twice each day. Plants I was going to attempt were Anubias nana rhizomes, Bolbitis heidelotii rhizomes, Pogostemon helferi, Needle Leaf Java Fern rhizomes, Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini', Glossostigma elatinoides, the AR 'mini and Glosso were sent before I could cancel the orders so they should be here in a day or two, just not too sure what to do with them now, seeing I have closed all tanks down. Now, time for questions... 1. Should I stick with an aquatic substrate for doing this emersed set up? or could I use normal potting soil? 2. With rhizome plants, should I just sit them on top of the soil, or should I glue/tie them to rock/rock/driftwood? 3. Do I just keep the soil moist, or do I fill the tub up so only the soil is under water to the same level as the substrate, or slightly over? 4. Should they be kept in full sun, or part sun/shade? 5. When misting, is it OK to use normal tap water, or does it need to be treated, also, could it be possible to mix a fertilizer in with the water being misted? 6. Instead of substrate or potting soil, could those hydroponic balls be used to plant the plants into? 7. How long a light period should it be exposed to light? 8. I have mosses, Weeping, Subwassertang, I was thinking of seeing how they went, should they just be placed on a rock/stone or sat in a container of water? As I said above I have AR 'mini' and Glosso on it's way as it was sent before I could cancel and am not too sure what to do with it now, I could perhaps just plant it in the tank I have outside sitting on the outdoor setting table that has Blyxa Japonica, Weeping Moss and Subwassertang in, or should I just start a poor man's emersed set up with the AR 'mini' and Glosso?
  5. GotCrabs

    Emersed Plant Info

    When starting an emersed plant or DSM (dry start method), does the soil need to be wet, or doe it just need to be damp? Also, what kind of aquatic plants can be used in a DSM set? Bacopa, DHG, HC, HM, Glosso, any others? Can Crypts be grown emersed?
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