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I Think It's Time...


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Well, I think it's time to step away and give the aquarium, fish and shrimp hobby a break for a little while, am slowly losing interest and have very little patience with tanks, fish and shrimp at the moment after a number of failed tanks as well as fish, shrimp and plant loss and really don't have the coin to keep persisting with it all.

As some of you know, all tanks have been emptied, packed up and put away, fish sold to the local fish store, plants sold on here or given away to members on here, have cancelled all orders for substrate, lighting, plants for a tank I had planned, the remaining shrimp I had were put into the goldfish and white cloud pond outside and have no doubt they ended up being a meal.

I also had plans to attempt an emersed grow tub outside but again have cancelled plans to do that, so the only tank I have at the moment filled is a roughly 20l tank sitting on the outdoor setting table in the backyard planted with a few pieces of Blyxa, some Subwassertang and Weeping Moss on mesh squares with 4 white clouds in there.

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