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How to remove nitrate?


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How to Rem0ve or minimal No3 ,nitrate??

My tank size is 1ft x 1ft x 14inch(height).







Need help

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First, it might be worth checking the accuracy of your nitrate test kit. Some are notoriously unreliable. Likewise you need to be certain to follow the instructions to the letter.

If you do have high nitrates you can:

- do water changes. Water changes are the simplest and easiest method to remove nitrates.

- add a nitrate absorbing resin (some resins come embedded in filter pads)

- add plants or mosses to the tank (these will help but not solve the problem).

- check how much you are feeding. High nitrates are the end product from the breakdown of proteins. Protein is added to the tank as food for your shrimp.

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Fishmosy has hit the nail right on the head. I would immediately suspect that the test kit is faulty. It would be very strange to be getting high nitrate readings in a shrimp tank due to the minimal bio-load that would be occurring unless over feeding is the issue. Although if over feeding was occurring I personally would expect an ammonia spike firstly.

The problem with a lot of test kits is that you do not know how long they have been sitting at the point of manufacture, then how long they have been in storage before sale to the wholesaler, then how long on their shelves and then lastly how long the stockist has had it on his shelves.  I personally believe that liquid type tests kits are far more reliable than test strips. Test strips are re-nound for giving false readings. 

I worked for a wholesaling company for a few years and it was not uncommon for stock not to be rotated.

A friend of mine had this exact problem with a newly purchased test kit a few weeks ago. The test kit was showing no ammonia, no nitrite and high nitrates. It turned out it was actually high in nitrites and he lost all his fish.

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bexter if you're using api nitrate test kit .. with that kit i made the mistake of not following instructions accurately. that could be one potential issue?

otherwise - you might like to dilute your water 50/50 with some RO or other nitrate-free water and test with that mix. at darker colours the api kit is very hard to read!

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Is this a newly cycled tank Bexter?


Fishmosy has given you excellent advice, like he normally does.

There is no substitute to water change if the kit is not giving false readings. That's the quickest and easiest way to reduce Nitrates.

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cover half of the surface with floating plant, especially fast growing and short roots like salvania natans

let it grow, then take out quarter of it later and let it grow again



the logic same with water change, the difference u only throw away the plant and let the plant grow again



- only works with fast grow floating plant and cover more than half of tank surface

- need medium - high light

- beware bugs from floating plant

- beware shrimplets like to stay at floating plant roots

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