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aluminium safe?


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so im building my own cooler


im wondering is it safe?


how bad is it if i do it?


it seems its lined with back, any idea what that may be?


its from a water cooler for humans




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If its for humans, it should be food grade aka safe. However if you modify it (e.g. drilling a hole through it), it might be a different story.

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yea but we drink from copper pipes, and copper is bad for shrimp, so aluminum isnt ok?

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Aluminium is a lot softer than copper. And as a result will react to slightly acidic water.

Aluminium toxicity in fish and shrimp is every bit as lethal as copper. Albeit with different symptoms of course.


The black lining in that picture, might be corrosion inhibiting treatment.  Especially if it was used for drinking water for human consumption.

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I would work it on a header tank style, Do you know what they are or are you up to speed with header tanks?? the header tank could be plastic piping, then plastic can have led

Dam can of worms again, any who if you want to know about header tanks I can fill you in, they are common heat exchange units in marine engines to keep the salt away from motors, there is a search for you, only if you are not up to speed.




PS humans are tougher that our shrimp buddies

Edited by northboy
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Aluminium is not safe. But the coating inside should do the trick?

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Thats what I was trying to say. The black coating should make it safe, but if you compromise the coating then you might get problems.

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hmm ok ok, i wonder if i can coat it with anything myself just to make sure. but it still needs to transfer the cold to the water easy

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The business that I work for got a sample of a new fish eyed LED light that was brilliant for lighting the pond. The only problem was that the body of the LED had been made out of aluminium and after a few days in the test pond it grew a white slimy fuzz all over it. Hence we never bought or sold any.

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