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Hey guys,

So I've been fairly quiet for a while, but that doesnt necessarily mean everythings going swimmingly... < hehe

Im still having the problem with one of my tanks. After getting my TDS pen all my tanks are sitting roughly the same. PH is in check as well as all the other levels. But I just got a death today. One of my blue cherries which was in the tank with my *thought were cured* CBS.

My 4 left over CBS are doing okay, colour returning and eating well. But randomly this blue cherry just died. So the infection (or whatever it is) must still be in my tank.


Should I cull my left over shrimp and drain and clean the tank out completely. Or keep trying..

*people who saw my last thread on my shrimp disease will understand this thread better*

Oh an while I'm here.

From one of my healthy shrimp tanks.. ;)


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Shrimps do just die even if the water conditions are perfect. So don't react too quickly, especially if you're comfortable that the WP, diet, minerals & water changes are good. I've seen many shrimps go through my tanks, and if you're vigilant with water changes, and ensuring the WP are good, these bacteria infections/diseases stay away…. Just monitor the shrimps …if their eating, moulting, and you're seeing shrimplets, it's ALL good :-)

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Alrighty. Thanks Bluebolts, hopefully it was just old age or something of the likes.

Ill monitor them just incase :)

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