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How long can shrimp last...?


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So I get an SMS from my wife:

One of the shrimp commited suicide :(

Turns out one of my Red Nose got too excited.


My wife went to save it but alas it was dry (and possibly crunchy?!? Lol).

Rather than have her just chuck it out, something told me to try something else. I got her to put it in a small container with a bit of water and then she would just flush the whole thing afterwards. She thought I was joking and would humour me. In a way, I was a little.

The phone rings, "OMG it's alive!!!" "Are you sure?" "Yes. Its little legs are moving!"

So the shrimp lives to fight another day (despite it actually jumping out of the small container as well and my wife shrieking as she tries to put back into the tank). My question is, is it normal for a shrimp to last possibly over an hour outside of water? Maybe I should have done the same to the last shrimp that committed suicide?

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  • HOF Member

Good save!! I don't know about shrimp but I used to have some fresh water eels and every morning they were on the floor dry as dry but I put them back as recommended and never lost one!!! Just have to go around and close up all the escape areas around tubing and leads etc that put a stop to my escapees.

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Glad to hear the little guy survived, I never would have thought they could last that long! :D

I did lose a glass shrimp on the floor for about 5 minutes, but that's the longest I've ever seen one out of water.

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I've had other crustaceans (yabbies & marron) out of water for a number of days when they escaped out of the tank and hid under the lounge. lol I've never had a shrimp escape yet.

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Good save,

I have transported them in wet grass for 3 days when I have been pushed for space, no losses. I have also had them in the bottom of a bucket for a week with just a few drops of water ( by accident) all good

Never tried them from dry? will next time.


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It all depends on the sensitivity of the shrimp as well, as some of you may know I recently lost a high grade crs when it decided to climb onto the top of the lid. I can tell you it doesn't last 8hrs...LOL!

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