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Possible paricites


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Hello I’ve just been looking at my aquarium and I have just noticed something else I have these very very tiny like worms on the glass hard to see in the picture can anyone advice please thanks they look bigger in the picture cause it’s zoomed in but they are definitely alive and moving around the glass. 


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I cant see anything concerning from this picture, they may just be detritis worms, every tank has those. I've not seen them on the glass though, they usually stay in the substrate or on plants etc? Planaria are a different shape and hydra look like an umbrella frame at one end!


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If they are round, it's Nematodes. They eat decomposing plant and animal waste material.

If it's flat, they are either Planaria or Rhabdocoela.

Rhabdocoela have a rounded head and are harmless like nematodes. They eat bacteria and microalgae

Planaria have a triangular head with noticeable eyes. These are the ones you have to get rid of, as they can harm eggs, baby shrimp or even adult shrimps.


I can see nematodes (or detritus worms) on your glass, but there are more on the glass that I can't see clearly. Might be bubbles, or one of the flatworms. 

I would certainly start with a good gravel vac of the substrate if this was my tank. Fishes will eat them too. So if you have some small micro fish, they can be added into the tank temporarily to avoid them harming the shrimps.

Edited by jayc
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